Saturday 26 January 2013

Guess Who's Back...

After metaphysically tearing Dwight Garner limb from limb in my last post, I decided to leave this blog to the history books. Things were nice for a while..I started going out to bars again, stopped dreaming of trolls....had some adventures out in the Far East...

Now, with less than 4 months to go in my India experience, I've decided to resuscitate the greatest expat India blog ever to never break 1000 total views.

What to expect from the new "Of Bombay and B.Doyle?" Well for one thing, I plan to change the name...might change the layout a bit...maybe figure out how to do SEO stuff so I'm not writing futilely into the ever-expanding vacuum of cyber space.

Or maybe I'll just trash talk New York Times' columnists, since that is clearly where my passions lie.

Stay tuned!

Behold! It is I, B.Doyle the Grey, returned from the wilderness as B.Deezy the White!

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